Differently Wired: A Parent's Guide to Raising an Atypical Child with Confidence
Академска Книга

Differently Wired: A Parent's Guide to Raising an Atypical Child with Confidence

Шифра на артикл: 049965
ISBN: 9781523506316
Код на производителот: 49965
Автор: Deborah Reber
Достапно веднаш
999 МКД
999 МКД
16,17 EUR
Заштеда: 0 МКД
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Количина: 1 Kom
Зачувај во листата на желби
It’s time to say no to trying to fit square-peg kids into round holes, and yes to raising them from a place of acceptance and joy. A how-to, a manifesto, and a wise and reassuring companion for parents of neuroatypical children, who often feel that they have no place to turn, Differently Wired offers 18 paradigm-shifting ideas—what the author calls “tilts”—that will change everything, including how to Get Out of Isolation and Connect, how to Help Your Kids Embrace Self-Discovery, and how to Show Up and Live in the Present. And through theses “tilts,” how to stay open, pay attention, and become an exceptional parent to your exceptional child.
Карактеристика Вредност
Kатегорија Родителство
Автор Deborah Reber
Издавач Академска Книга
Јазик Англиски
Повез Мек повез
Година на објавување2020
Број на страници296

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Картичка за лојалност

Картичка за лојалност која овозможува попусти и поволности при купување.

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