Up from Slavery
Академска Книга

Up from Slavery

Шифра на артикл: 093547
Баркод: 9780451531476
Автор: Andrew James Roberts
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199 МКД
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3,22 EUR
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Зачувај во листата на желби
The dramatic autobiographical account of Booker T. Washington’s unique American experience—a struggle against social and ideological bias that he began as a slave and never stopped. “Washington’s story of himself, as half-seen by himself, is one of America’s most revealing books.”—Langston Hughes Historically acknowledged as one of America’s most powerful and persuasive orators, Booker T. Washington consistently challenged the forces of racial prejudice at a time when such behavior from a black man was unheard of. While his stance on the separation of the races would become controversial, he worked tirelessly to convince blacks to work together as one people in order to improve their lives and the future of their race. Spanning from his fight for education through his founding of the world-renowned Tuskegee Institute, Washington’s Up from Slavery remains one of the most significant and defining works in American literature.
Карактеристика Вредност
Kатегорија Класици
Автор Andrew James Roberts
Издавач Академска Книга
Јазик Англиски
Повез Мек повез
Година на објавување2010
Број на страници140

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Бесплатна достава за нарачки над 1.500 денари.

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