Decode Your Dreams: Unlock your unconscious and transform your waking life
Академска Книга

Decode Your Dreams: Unlock your unconscious and transform your waking life

Шифра на артикл: 063732
Баркод: 9780711257054
Автор: Ian Wallace
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1.099 МКД
1.099 МКД
17,78 EUR
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Зачувај во листата на желби
Become your own dream analyst and begin a powerful journey of self discovery with bestselling author, psychologist and dream expert Ian Wallace. Dreams are no longer some largely indecipherable code. They are authored by our own subconscious. When you create a dream,you are encoding a meaningful story about how to fulfil your emotional needs, intentions and purpose in waking life. So who better to decode your dreams than you? Decode Your Dreams empowers you with all you need to know, from unlocking your unconscious and learning how it influences your experiences, to creating positive life changes in light of these insights. This easy-to-use guide offers an original, two-step method that nurtures the connection between the ever-evolving unconscious and conscious mind for transformational results. Wallace explains how to decipher dream meanings before answering each diagnosis with suggested waking-life actions. Reflect on the best solutions to recurring daily dilemmas, identify a
Карактеристика Вредност
Kатегорија Духовност
Автор Ian Wallace
Издавач Академска Книга
Јазик Англиски
Повез Тврд повез
Година на објавување2022
Број на страници192

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