Dinosaur Ultimate Handbook: The Need-To-Know Facts and Stats on Over 150...
Академска Книга

Dinosaur Ultimate Handbook: The Need-To-Know Facts and Stats on Over 150...

Шифра на артикл: 062816
Баркод: 9780241519622
Автор: DK
Достапно веднаш
799 МКД
799 МКД
12,93 EUR
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Количина: 1 Kom
Зачувај во листата на желби
Welcome to the world of dinosaurs. Youre going to need to learn quickly if you dont want to be dinner for a Dimetrodon! Lucky for you, you picked up the Ultimate Dinosaur Handbook! This superb fact-included ebook contains everything you need to separate your Stegosaurus from your Spinosaurus, Jurassic from Triassic, and carnivores from herbivores. With details on dinosaur habitats, dinosaurs of the sea and sky, and who would win in a battle, you will be able to answer any question on how the world was 250 million years ago. This ultimate ebook also contains a complete list of all dinosaurs that have been discovered to date. Each dinosaur profile is packed with vital statistics of their size, weight, where they lived, and unique facts. There is even a size chart comparing them to humans, so you will be able to see how you measure up to these Triassic titans.
Карактеристика Вредност
Kатегорија Детски енциклопедии и атласи
Автор DK
Издавач Академска Книга
Јазик Англиски
Повез Мек повез
Година на објавување2021
Број на страници399

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Бесплатна достава за нарачки над 1.500 денари.

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