English 6 : practice book : supplementary exercises and activities for English in the sixth grade
Арс Ламина

English 6 : practice book : supplementary exercises and activities for English in the sixth grade

Шифра на артикл: 052165
Баркод: 9786082674674
Код на производителот: 52165
Достапно веднаш
250 МКД
250 МКД
4,05 EUR
Заштеда: 0 МКД
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  • NSZ
Количина: 1 Kom
Зачувај во листата на желби
ENGLISH 6 Practice Book was created with a sole purpose to help the reader in mastering the English language more easily and to gain a solid ground for your further education. Conceptually, the practice book corresponds to the English Language Curriculum for the sixth grade published by the Bureau for Development of Education and it consists of four parts: • Vocabulary; • Grammar; • Skills: reading / writing & functional language; • Tests with answer keys. All exercises are authentic and were specially created for this edition and the appropriate level (A1 - according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). In addition to linguistic, there are also exercises with intercultural content, but also with a phonological focus. This practice book makes learning English easier, and the achieved results can bring pleasure as well as open the door to successful communication.
Карактеристика Вредност
Kатегорија Шесто одделение
Автор Анета Наумоска
Издавач Арс Ламина
Возраст 13+ години
Училишна година Шесто одделение
Јазик Англиски
Повез Мек повез
Година на објавување2022
Број на страници119

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